Whistleblowing Policy

At IPOS International, Integrity is one of our core values. If you have any concerns regarding any illegal, unethical, fraudulent or corrupt activities occurring within IPOS International or involving any of our officers and/or business partners, please report it to us. A written report is recommended and can be made by sending an email to whistleblowing@ipos.gov.sg or by completing our online form. You may also call us at +65 6331 6500.


All reportable concerns will first be independently reviewed by Internal Audit Department and all results will be reported to the Audit Committee. We strongly encourage whistleblowers to provide their names and contact details in case further information or clarification is required. All disclosed information and the identity of the whistleblower shall be treated with the strictest confidence and IPOS International will not disclose the same unless required by any law or regulation or other legal obligation.