GoBusiness IP Grow: Application Guide for Service Providers

Posted on 13 Feb, 2023
By IPOS International

GoBusiness IP Grow is a new online Intangible Asset (IA) and Intellectual Property (IP) service marketplace, designed to support enterprises in leveraging IA/IP for growth. It is dedicated to serving the needs of Singapore’s innovation ecosystem by providing IA/IP resources that help businesses grow and expand globally.

Featuring 2 e-Adviser tools and a service directory for each IA/IP service, the free platform aims to: 

  1. Help enterprises understand their IP needs based on their business activities and objectives.

  2. Match enterprises to suitable IP service providers based on their IP needs and preferences.

  3. Provide one-stop access to IA/IP-related resources.

The e-Adviser for IP Service helps users to discover the IA/IP needs of their business based on their business activities and objectives. Users can also receive tailored recommendations for IA/IP service providers based on their needs and preferences, using the e-Adviser for IP Service Provider. 

If you are a service provider offering any of the 20 listed IA/IP services, we welcome you to join our community.  

GoBusiness IP Grow is developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Government Technology Agency, Smart National and Digital Government Office, Intellectual Property Office of Singapore, and IPOS International.

What You Need to Know Before You Start

Service providers must meet the following conditions to be listed on GoBusiness IP Grow:

  1. Be a “live” Singapore registered company based on ACRA records

  2. Provide at least 1 IA/IP service from the list of 20 IA/IP services

  3. Have at least 1 key practice expert for every IA/IP service that the service provider can perform

  4. Are currently not under investigation for professional misconduct (both service provider and key practice experts listed)

The form consists of 5 sections:

  1.  ACRA Profile

  2.  Selection of IA/IP Services

  3.  Profile of Key Practice Experts

  4.  Additional Entity Information

  5.  Declaration

All fields are mandatory unless otherwise stated.

You are encouraged to prepare all the materials and information required for the application beforehand for a smoother process. This guide will run you through the sections in the application form and the supporting documents needed for submission. 

We recommend completing the online form in one sitting as your responses in progress cannot be saved. This will take approximately 1 hour.

If you wish to amend any details after the form submission or have further enquiries, please get in touch with us at ipgrow@iposinternational.com.  

Let’s begin!

Section 1: ACRA Profile

The fields in this section seek to inform us of the details of your registered entity. These are the fields required:

  1. Name of your entity registered with ACRA

  2. UEN issued in ACRA

  3. Latest ACRA bizfile, retrieved within 6 months from application date

  4. Date of incorporation in Singapore

  5. URL of corporate website

  6. Confirm and indicate that the terms and conditions are read and agreed upon. Service providers who indicate “No” in this section will not be able to continue the application.

Section 2: Selection of IA/IP Services

The fields in this section seek to inform us of the IA/IP services that your entity can provide to enterprises.

There are many IA/IP services an enterprise will require as they innovate, transform, and grow. We strive to provide the right breadth of services that not only covers the entire spectrum of the innovation journey but is also meaningful to the user.

Being too general in scope (and hence fewer services defined) risks not directing users to the right type of services they need. Conversely, being too specific in scope may result in a lengthy list of services that can cause information overload or decision paralysis.

As a start, 20 IA/IP services will be listed on GoBusiness IP Grow, to be grouped into 4 key categories. Each IA/IP service will have its own service directory.​

Only select the IA/IP services that your entity can perform. To be listed in an IA/IP service directory, service providers need to have the relevant professional certifications and/or performed professional work in the previous calendar year, specific to that IA/IP service.

E.g.: If a service provider indicates in the application form that it can perform patent agent services, the service provider will need to have served at least 3 clients in the previous calendar year and has at least one certified patent agent or a qualified person under the legal profession act. 

The infographic below covers the description of each IA/IP service and the respective relevant professional certifications and/or professional work required. 

For IA/IP services that your entity does not perform, simply select “No” to move on to the next IA/IP service.

If you have selected “Yes” for an IA/IP service that your entity can perform, you consent to disclose the company name of the clients only if required for verification purposes. 

You will also be required to fill in the following fields. The information provided will be displayed on your profile page and used for the logic of the e-Adviser for IP Service Provider.

  1. Number of professionals in your entity based in Singapore and providing this specific IA/IP service to the Singapore market. Select from the range provided.

  2. Number of professionals in your entity based outside of Singapore and providing this specific IA/IP service to the Singapore market. Select from the range provided.

  3. Volume of transactions your entity has completed for this specific IA/IP service in the previous calendar year. Depending on the IA/IP service, the unit of measurement used may be cases, files, projects, or clients. Select from the range provided.

  4. The hourly rate your entity charges for this specific IA/IP service in Singapore dollars. You may select a maximum of 2 options if your range overlaps between the values provided.

                            i.     Less than S$200

                           ii.     S$200 to S$400

                          iii.     S$400 to S$800

                          iv.     S$800 to S$1,200

                           v.     Above S$1,200

    E.g.: If your entity’s hourly rate ranges from S$300 to S$1,000, please select ii. and iv.

  5. The minimum project fee your entity charges for this specific IA/IP service in Singapore dollars. 

You will be taken through all 20 IA/IP services. Lastly, based on the list of IA/IP services that your entity has selected, please indicate a maximum of 5 IA/IP services that are the top focus areas or specialisations of your entity. Your selection will be featured in the listing results of the e-Adviser for IP Service Provider. This will be the final question in this section.

E.g.: Your entity has indicated that it can perform 10 out of the 20 IA/IP services. Based on these 10 IA/IP services, you can only select a maximum of 5 IA/IP services that are the focus areas or specialisations of your entity.

Section 3: Profile of Key Practice Experts

The fields in this section seek to inform us of the expertise and experience of the key practice experts in your entity. You must provide at least 1 key practice expert profile for every IA/IP service your entity can perform. This information will be featured on your entity’s profile page.

E.g.: Your entity has indicated that it can perform patent agent services in Section 2: Selection of IA/IP Services. In this section, your entity needs to provide at least 1 profile of a key practice expert who has the expertise and experience in patent agent services.

You may feature up to a maximum of 10 key practice experts. These are the fields required for each profile:

  1. Name of key practice expert

  2. Job title of key practice expert

  3. Years of experience key practice expert has

  4. Country the key practice expert is based in

  5. URL of LinkedIn profile of key practice expert 

  6. IP expertise of key practice expert. Please select a maximum of 5 IA/IP services that this individual is experienced in. The IP expertise from all key practice experts combined in this section must match the IA/IP services your entity has selected in Section 2: Selection of IA/IP Services.

  7. Relevant certifications and qualifications obtained by key practice expert (if not applicable, please indicate "NA"). For IA/IP services that require relevant professional certifications, the certifications of the key practice expert(s) should match the professional certifications listed in Section 2: Selection of IA/IP Services.

  8. Relevant awards and accolades received by key practice expert (if not applicable, please indicate "NA")

This is an illustration of the key practice expert profiles on your entity's profile page. The actual version might differ.

Section 4: Additional Entity Information

We’re almost done! This section seeks to tell us more about your entity as a whole.

These are the fields required:

  1. A description of your company in less than 1,000 characters. This will appear on your entity’s profile page.

  2. A short company biography in less than 100 characters. This will appear on the service directory listing page.

  3. Indicate if your entity is a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME).

       i.     SMEs are defined as companies with annual turnover of less than S$100 million or with no more than 200 employees.

  4. The industries your entity is focused on. Select from the list of 23 industries.

  5. Your entity’s physical office locations (countries or cities).

    E.g.: Entity A's physical office locations:

    Head Office - Singapore; 
    Regional Office - Bangkok, Taiwan, Hong Kong;
    Partner Office - Indonesia

    A Partner Office refers to third-party local business partnerships that enable your entity to deliver services in countries or cities without a physical office.

  6. Your entity's registered office address and postal code in Singapore.

  7. Client segmentation by geography. This information will help platform users understand which countries your entity has the most experience serving.

    1. Based on the previous calendar year, group your clients based on the country their entity is operating in.

    2. List the top 5 countries (up to a maximum of 10 countries), starting with the country with the highest percentage of clients.

    3. If your entity works with clients across more than 10 countries, you may group countries with the smallest percentages under "Other Countries" in the dropdown list.

    4. The total percentage of all the countries, including "Other Countries", should add up to 100%.

      E.g.: Client segmentation based on geography for Entity A:

      Country Percentage of Total Clients in Previous Calendar Year
      Singapore 40%
      Hong Kong 30%
      Taiwan 15%
      Thailand 10%
      Other Countries  5%
  8. Client segmentation by organisational type (optional). This information will help platform users understand which organisational type your entity has the most experience working with.

    1. We have 5 organisational types: Start-ups, Non-profit organisations, SMEs, Large Enterprises, and Government.

    2. Based on the previous calendar year, indicate the percentage of total revenue your entity has earned from each organisational type. The total percentage should add up to 100%.

      E.g.: Client segmentation based on organisational type for Entity A:

      Organisational Type Percentage of Total Revenue in Previous Calendar Year
      Start-Ups 20%
      Non-Profit Organisations 10%
      SMEs (annual turnover of less than S$100 million or with no more than 200 employees) 30%
      Large Enterprises 25%
      Government 15%
  9. Countries your entity serves. Please indicate the countries in which your entity can offer its IA/IP services.

  10. Client testimonials (optional). This information will be featured on your profile page. You may provide a maximum of 3 testimonials in the following format:

                            i.     Name of client

                           ii.     Job title of client

                          iii.     Company of client

                          iv.     Client testimonial in less than 150 words

  11. Past case studies (optional). This information will be featured on your profile page. You may provide a maximum of 3 working links to your past case studies.

  12. Intellectual property awards or accolades received by your entity within the past 5 years. 

  13. Offers (optional). Indicate any offers you may have to promote your entity. It may be in the form of a direct discount, free consultation, or benefits exclusive to users of GoBusiness IP Grow.

  14. Details of a contact person from your entity, in the event we need further documentation or verification regarding your application (for administrative purposes).

  15. Details of a contact person from your entity for us to forward leads generated from GoBusiness IP Grow. You may leave this field blank if the contact person is the same as above.

Section 5: Declaration

This final section is a declaration clause for service providers to indicate that all information provided is accurate and that he/she has read and agreed to the terms and conditions contained in the Terms of Use.

To complete the application, click on the “Submit Now” button. Only submissions with completed fields and supporting documents will be processed.

Tip: You can print out the application form directly from your browser to use as a hard copy reference.

Your application will take up to 14 working days to be processed. If you have questions regarding the application or listing on GoBusiness IP Grow, you may contact us at ipgrow@iposinternational.com.  

We look forward to welcoming you into our platform community!

Ready to start? Head to our online application form here.

Application Summary