Tech Insights through Patents (TIP) Glossary

Here is a brief glossary on what the various indicators in TIP’s key highlights and interactive charts may mean for your business.

Indicators in Key Highlights

NUMBER OF INVENTIONS: The total number of inventions published globally over a 10-year period shows the level of R&D interest and innovation outcome.
COMPOUND ANNUAL GROWTH RATE (CAGR): This percentage measures how the R&D interest has evolved over 10 years. A high CAGR indicates that traction has rapidly increased, and vice versa. test
NUMBER OF TECHNOLOGY FIELDS: This number (out of 35) shows how widespread the technology is applied across industries. test
PERCENTAGE OF INVENTIONS CONTRIBUTED BY COMPANIES, UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH INSTITUTES: This measures the commercial and/or non-commercial R&D interests. A high-percentage contribution indicates that basic research still plays an active role in technology development.

Indicators in Interactive Charts

PUBLICATION TREND: Shows the increase or decrease in the number of inventions (as measured by counts of patent families rather than individual patents) over the years. A significant rise in global patent filings may be due to a number of factors such as commercial opportunities, growth potential, government grants and subsidies.
INVENTION ORIGIN: Refers to the country or region where the invention took place. The circles are sized according to the number of inventions originating from the individual country or region.
GEOGRAPHICAL PROTECTION: Represents the territorial protection sought after by the applicant. It is an indication of the applicant’s commercial interest – where it may sell its products/services or where its competitors are operating.
TECHNOLOGY FIELD OF APPLICATIONS: The mapping of an invention to its technology field of application is performed by matching the International Patent Classification (IPC) codes assigned to the patent families to the 35 technology fields using the IPC technology concordance table developed by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).